中国银行跨境贸易俱乐部平台 会员使用协议
(2023 年版)

(Version 2023)



第一节 总则

Section I General Provisions


Welcome to BOC Trade Club platform.

1.1 中国银行跨境贸易俱乐部平台(以下称为"平台")是中国银行股份有限公司(以下所称"我们"、"我行"均指中国银行)所有的一个互联网平台,通过提供全年在线的跨境贸易撮合、全球贸易资讯等对客服务功能,为平台上企业用户寻找海外贸易伙伴,拓展海外贸易网络。所有会员企业对本平台的使用均受本协议载明的条款和条件的约束。中国银行跨境贸易俱乐部平台包括四个功能模块:
1.1 BOC Trade Club platform (hereinafter referred to as the "Platform") is an internet platform owned by Bank of China Limited (the following terms "we" and "the Bank" refer to Bank of China), which provides Members on the platform with year-round online cross-border trade matching, global trade information and other customer service functions to expand their overseas trade network. All Members' use of the Platform shall be bound by the terms and conditions stated in this agreement. The Platform includes the following four functional modules:

   1.1.1 “跨境贸易俱乐部”(Trade Club)模块:方便您通过主动搜索、自动匹配等方式寻找海外贸易伙伴,拓展海外贸易网络。
   1.1.1 Trade Club: It is convenient for you to find overseas trade partners through methods such as active search and automatic matching to expand overseas trade.

   1.1.2 “国际贸易资讯”(Trade Resource)模块:"国际贸易资讯"(Trade Resource):包括市场分析、HS海关编码、贸易计算器、汇率换算等信息。
   1.1.2 Trade Resource: Includes market analysis, HS customs codes, trade calculators, exchange rate conversion and other information.

   1.1.3 “贸易金融产品与服务”模块: 涵盖在跨境贸易流程中客户所需的中行跨境金融产品介绍, 方便您根据所在贸易场景,选择相应的金融产品。
   1.1.3 Trade Financial Products and Services: covers the introduction of BOC cross-border financial products required by customers in the cross-border trade process, so that you can choose the corresponding financial products according to your trade scenario.

   1.1.4 “展会活动”模块主要涵盖了进博会、服贸会等重大展会信息,便于您了解展会报名信息和我行相关服务。
   1.1.4 The "Exhibition Activities" module mainly covers the information of major exhibitions such as CIIE, CIFTIS, etc. . It is convenient for you to know the registration information of the exhibition and related services of our bank.

   1.1.5 本网站和上述前两项功能由Export Entreprises(以下简称“EE”)开发、后台功能维护。
   1.1.5 The first two modules of this website are developed, maintained by service provider, Export Entreprises S.A. (hereinafter referred to as EE).

1.2 中国银行跨境贸易俱乐部是一个在线商业社区,所有会员应遵守协议并互相尊重。
1.2 BOC Trade Club is an online business community, and all Members shall comply with the agreement and respect each other.

1.3 请注意,网站访问权限和注册须经中国银行审核。平台仅开放给中国银行企业客户使用。
1.3 Please note that access authorities to the Website and registration as further defined and described hereinafter is subject to approval by the Bank. The platform is only available to the corporate customers of BOC.

1.4 贵公司明确知道中国银行有权调整、编辑和删除贵公司用户在平台上传的内容,并在我们认为必要时删除贵公司在平台的账户或禁止贵公司访问本网站。
1.4 You are clearly aware that we have the right to moderate, edit and remove contributions, and to remove your account or block your access to the Platform if we deem it necessary.

1.5 贵公司明确知道您在中国银行跨境贸易俱乐部平台上浏览的内容包含由其他会员发布的内容,在您阅读时我们可能没有对其进行审阅。
1.5 You are aware that the content you read on the Platform was posted by other fellow Members and may not have been reviewed by the bank at the time you read it.


第二节 相关定义与功能

Section II Definitions and Functionalities of the Platform


2.1 会员/公司: 是加入中国银行跨境贸易俱乐部平台并使用相应服务的企业客户。
2.1 Members/Company: A corporate customer who joins the Platform and uses the corresponding services.

2.2 平台用户/用户: 作为中国银行跨境贸易俱乐部平台注册用户且创建了公司档案的自然人。用户代表其公司行事。一个用户只能代表一家公司。
2.2 User: natural person who is a registered user of the Platform and who has created a profile. A user acts on behalf and for the account of his/her Company. One user is allowed to represent only one company.

2.3 企业名片: 企业名片载有中国银行跨境贸易俱乐部平台名录列表页面中关于公司的关键详细信息。必要情况下,平台社区经理可以编辑或删除名片中的特定元素。
2.3 Business Card: A business card presents the key details of a Company in the directory listing pages of the Platform. The Bank can edit or remove elements from the Business Card if he may deem necessary.

2.4 名片数据: 会员可以通过填写信息、发布链接或上传文件来对会员所代表公司的名片进行扩展,这些信息、链接和文件也是名片数据的一部分。如果我们认为有必要,可以编辑或删除扩展名片中的相关数据。
2.4 Business Card data: Members fill in forms, posts links and upload files to create the Extended Business Card of their Company; these constitute the Business Card Data. The Community Manager can edit or remove elements from the Extended Business Card if he may deem necessary.

2.5 平台社区经理: 平台社区经理是负责中国银行跨境贸易俱乐部平台日常管理的人员。
2.5 Community Manager: The Community Manager has the position of building, growing and managing the online community of the Platform.

2.6 内容: 企业名片数据、平台上的各类消息、在平台上展示的各类信息、以及会员之间的所有沟通交流等均构成平台上的内容。
2.6 Editorial Content: Business Card Data, Messages, content posted on the Platform and all communications of/between Members constitute the Content.

2.7 撮合/匹配: 平台设有自动的智能撮合匹配程序,将根据会员自主设定的销售产品或服务和感兴趣的项目为每个会员选择可能的贸易伙伴;我们同时可以根据会员销售的产品或服务和感兴趣的项目为会员选择和展示可能的交易对手。
2.7 Matching: The Platform has an automatic matchmaking script that selects possible counterparts for each Member, based on products traded and topics of interest. Community Managers can select and feature possible Opportunities for a Member, based on products traded and topics of interest.

2.8 营销消息: 中国银行可向会员发送对平台业务进行宣传介绍的营销推广消息。
2.8 Promotional Messages: The Bank may send marketing messages to its Members to publicize its businesses.

2.9 网站: 就是指基于平台的包含贸易俱乐部、国际贸易资讯等四个功能模块的网站。用户可以通过使用用户ID登录平台获得相应服务。
2.9 Website: The website is a platform based website containing four functional modules such as Trade Club and Trade Resources. Users can login to the Platform with their User ID and can access the services.

2.10 EE: EE公司是贸易俱乐部联盟指定的平台运营商,总部位于巴黎斯德哥尔摩路1号。该公司在巴黎企业工商管理处注册,SIREN编号:950571224。本网站和上述两项功能模块由Export Entreprises公司(以下简称"EE")提供系统开发和后台维护,并接受中国银行委托,负责全球平台社区经理运营工作。
2.10 EE: the operating service provider designated by Trade Club Alliance (TCA), with headquarters at 1, rue de Stockholm - Paris. Registered with the RCS Paris under the SIREN No: 950571224. The website and the above two functional modules are provided by Export Entreprises Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "EE") for system development and back-office maintenance, and entrusted by the Bank of China, responsible for the global community manager operation.


第三节 一般使用条款

Part III General conditions of use of the service


3.1 接受使用
3.1 Acceptance of the terms of use

The Bank may modify, alter or update these Terms at any time without prior notice, and such modifications shall be effective immediately upon posting of the modified Terms to the Platform unless provided otherwise. Any subsequent use of the Platform shall constitute such Member's consent to the modification, alteration or update.

If you do not want to register an account and become a member of the Platform, do not enter into this Agreement, do NOT click "Become a member" and do not access, view, download or otherwise use any the Platform webpage or services. By clicking "Become a member" (or similar), you acknowledge that you have read and understood the terms and conditions of this Agreement and that you agree to be bound by all of its provisions.

3.2 禁止非法使用
3.2 No unlawful use

This Site is provided solely as a convenience to you. By using the Platform, you warrant that you will not use the Platform, or any of the content obtained from the Platform, for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms.

Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, you agree not to:

   3.2.1 通过平台传输任何包含非法、骚扰、诽谤、辱骂、粗俗、淫秽、侵犯他人隐私、煽动、歧视、危害国家安全及领土完整等内容的任何种类或性质的材料;或鼓励可能构成刑事犯罪、引起民事责任或以其他方式违反任何适用的国家或地区的法律及国际法的材料;
   3.2.1 Transmit through the Platform any unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable, threatening, or harmful material of any kind or nature; or material that encourages conduct that could constitute a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability or otherwise violate any applicable local, state, national or international law or regulation;

   3.2.2 冒充任何个人或实体,包括但不限于平台管理人员或会员,或虚假陈述或以其他方式歪曲您与归属的实体的关系;
   3.2.2 Impersonate any person or entity, including, but not limited to, the Platform ADMINS or a Member, or falsely state or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity;

   3.2.3 上传、发布或以其他方式传输您根据任何法律或合同或信托关系无权传输的任何内容,例如内部信息、作为雇佣关系的一部分或根据保密协议获悉的专有和机密信息;
   3.2.3 Upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships, such as inside information, proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under confidentiality agreements;

   3.2.4 上传、发布或以其他方式传输任何侵犯他人所有的专利、商标、商业秘密、知识产权或其他专有权的内容;
   3.2.4 Upload, post or otherwise transmit any content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights of any party;

   3.2.5 上传、发布或以其他方式传输任何含有软件病毒或任何其他旨在中断、破坏或限制任何计算机软件或硬件或电信设备的功能的材料;
   3.2.5 Upload, post or otherwise transmit any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;

   3.2.6 企图未经授权访问或干扰、破坏平台系统;
   3.2.6 Interfere with, attempt to gain unauthorized access to, or disrupt the Platform or computer systems hosting the Platform;

   3.2.7 违反任何适用的国家或地区的法律或国际法;
   3.2.7 Violate any applicable local, state, national or international law;

   3.2.8 "跟踪"或以其他方式骚扰他人;
   3.2.8 "Stalk" or otherwise harass another;

   3.2.9 收集或存储其他用户的数据;
   3.2.9 Collect or store data about other Members;

   3.2.10 复制或转让平台的任何部分;
   3.2.10 Copy or transfer any part of the Platform;

   3.2.11 宣传或提供任何非法、对任何群体或个人可能造成伤害的活动的信息,或宣传任何虐待动物的行为;
   3.2.11 Promote or provide instructional information about illegal activities, promote physical harm or injury against any group or individual, or promote any act of cruelty to animals; and

   3.2.12 干扰其他用户使用本平台;您同意,如果您违反上述任何条款,您使用本平台的许可将被自动终止。
   3.2.12 Interfere with another Member's use and enjoyment of the Platform. If you violate any of these Terms, your permission to use the Platform automatically terminates.

3.3 会员/用户的义务
3.3 Members/Users' obligations

   3.3.1 用户代表其所属的公司行事。您确认,您在平台所做的任何行为均被视为您所代表的公司的行为。
   3.3.1 You act on behalf of your company. You confirm that any behavior you do on the Platform is regarded as the behavior of the Company you represent.

   3.3.2 用户必须填写其所属公司的名片才能后续使用本平台。用户在填写注册资料及公司名片时,须提供真实、准确、最新的公司资料,并负责维护并及时更新名片数据。中国银行将通过必要方式对用户身份和资质进行审核,并有权向用户所在公司收集材料以印证核实个人用户的代理权限。
   3.3.2 You must complete the Business Card of your company before they can use the Platform subsequently. When completing the Business Card and other registration information , you shall provide true, accurate and up-to-date information, and be responsible for maintaining and updating data of the Business Card in time. BOC will verify the identity and qualification of the user by necessary means, and has the right to collect materials from the Member to verify the agent rights of the user.

   3.3.3 用户应对其在平台商获取的任何内容进行保密;会员对在自身平台中发生的所有活动承担全部责任。
   3.3.3 You shall keep confidential any content obtained from the Platform vendors and assume all responsibilities for all activities occurring in their own platforms.

   3.3.4 中国银行鼓励会员对平台上其他会员发出的消息做出回应。会员多次未做出回应,可能会成为其被禁止使用本平台的原因。中国银行不能也不会对会员未能遵守本条规定而造成的任何损失或损害负责。
   3.3.4 We encourage Members to respond to all requests. Repeated absence of response by a Member can be a reason for removing their account or blocking access to the Platform as deemed necessary. We cannot and will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from a Member's failure to comply with this Section.

3.4 数据的处理
3.4 Data processing

The Bank is the controller of the personal data processed in the Platform. User data includes but not limited to the user information completed by you on the Platform, the user information registered with other methods, and records generated by your use of the Platform.

Personal data which you provide when accessing the Platform will only be used to process your registration or request and for administration of the service. You agree that the Bank may use relevant data for purposes such as processing, marketing and promotion of relevant businesses of the Bank without violating relevant laws, regulations and regulatory requirements.

除非适用的法律法规及本协议另有规定,中国银行及EE公司不会将您的用户数据交给任何第三方。在符合适用的法律法规及有关保密规定的范围内,您的用户数据可以由中国银行集团内的其他公司进行处理。中国银行不会以任何方式允许此类处理者将数据用于中国银行规定的其他用途。目前,Export Enterprises S.A.受中国银行委托处理您的用户数据,并按照中国银行的指示处理数据。
Unless otherwise provided by applicable laws and regulations and this agreement, the Bank or Export Enterprises will not surrender the data to any third parties. Within the scope of applicable laws and regulations and relevant confidentiality provisions, personal data may be processed by another company in the Bank Group . We will not, in any way, allow such processors to utilize the data for anything else than purposes defined by the Bank. At the moment, Export Enterprises S.A. processes personal data on behalf of the Bank and will only process personal information in accordance with the Bank's instructions.

3.5 平台社区经理的权限
3.5 Authority of Community Manager

You explicitly acknowledge that all information and content you send through the Platform will be processed by the Bank and the Community Manager designated by the Bank. Within scope of authority granted by the Bank, the Community Manager has the right to delete, add and modify any information and content on the Platform. This information refers to but is not limited to, Business Card Data, content information and Messages. Manager has the right to limit the messages and the interaction of Members.

If there is any reason to suspect that users with reasonable or upload not legitimate, not real, not accurate data, BOC has the right to issue a notice of inquiry or request for correction, and also has the right to directly delete the relevant information and dialogue, as well as directly suspend or terminate part or all of the services provided to users.

The Community Manager, acting under the Platform, reserves the right, but has no obligation, to monitor disputes between Members and to restrict, suspend, or close accounts if deemed necessary.

3.6 通讯规则
3.6 The Platform Communication Charter

只有符合平台通讯规则的消息才会生效并发送给收件人。为了确保提供高质量的服务,会员之间发送的消息在发送给接收者之前,可以由平台社区经理进行审核。下 述内容介绍了相关通讯规则:
Only messages in conformity with the Platform communication rules can take effect and be sent to the recipient. In order to ensure a high quality of service, messages exchanged between Members can be reviewed by the Community Manager before being forwarded to the recipient. The below tables provide an overview of the charter:

   3.6.1 消息类型
   3.6.1 Type of messages

Messages transmitted between Members on the Platform are classified into the following categories:

• 特定消息:向某一特定公司发送的包含个性化内容的消息。
• Unique Message: Personalized message sent to one company.

• 目标宣传:向1-20家有相关性的公司发送的带有特定商业目的的个性化或模板化消息。
• Target Promotion: Personalized or template message sent to between 1-20 RELEVANT companies with a specific business goal.

• 规模宣传:向20家以上的公司发送的带有特定商业目的模板化消息。
• Mass Promotion: Template message sent to many companies (20+) both relevant with a specific business goal.

• 广告:向平台上任意公司发送的,描述会员相关信息的消息。该消息可能被多次向同一收件人发送。
• Advertising: Sending messages explaining what you do to both relevant and non-relevant companies. Message sent multiple times to same recipient.

   3.6.2 消息发送的指引
   3.6.2 Guidelines for exchanging messages















Unique Message

Target Promotion

Mass Promotion


Messages exchanged by companies with the same activity (wine - wine) / same activity family ( - beverages)

Messages exchanged by companies from different business sectors but with a valid link (wine - transport)

Messages exchanged by companies from different activities/ sectors

Mix of the first three message types above


= Valid message. The message is delivered to the intended recipient.

= Invalid message. The message will not be delivered to the intended recipient.

Please note that the above tables are only guidelines. The Bank and the Community Manager have the final say in the validation of messages.

3.7 与内容相关的责任
3.7 Content responsibility

All information, data, text, software, audio/video content (including sound, graphics, and still or moving images, etc.), or any other materials whatsoever (collectively, "Content"), whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, is the sole responsibility of the person from whom such Content originated. This means that the Member, and not the Platform, is entirely responsible for all Content that he or she uploads, posts, emails or otherwise transmits via the Platform.

填写不合法、不真实、不准确注册信息的用户,需承担因此引起的相应责任及后果,中国银行对此不承担任何责任。由此产生的全部法律后果由用户承担,因此给中国银行 或其他第三方造成损失的,用户应予以赔偿。
Users who fill in illegal, untrue and inaccurate registration information shall bear the corresponding responsibilities and consequences caused by this, and BOC shall not assume any responsibility for this. The resulting all legal consequences shall be borne by the user, so users should compensate the relevant losses to the bank of China or any other third party.

No Member shall transmit Content or otherwise conduct or participate in any activities on the Platform that, in the judgment of the Platform, is likely to be prohibited by law in any applicable jurisdiction, including laws governing the encryption of software, the export of technology, the transmission of obscene material, or the permissible uses of intellectual property.

Members may enter into correspondence with Companies, Members or Vendors on the Platform. Any such correspondence or business, including the delivery of and the payment for goods and services, and any other terms, conditions, warranties or representations associated with such correspondence or promotions, are solely between the corresponding Members, Companies and Vendors. The Platform assumes no liability, obligation or responsibility for any part of any such correspondence, promotion and business.

We reserve the right to refuse, modify or delete any Content, including but not limited to Content of which it becomes aware and deems, in its sole discretion, that does not fulfill the Purpose of the website or that violates the Terms or may be otherwise illegal.

Under no circumstances will the Platform be liable in any way for any Content, including, but not limited to, liability for any errors or omissions in any Content, or for any loss or damage of any kind incurred as a result of the use of any Content posted to, or emailed or otherwise transmitted via the Platform.

3.8 会员生成内容的许可
3.8 Licensing and terms applying to Members' generated Content

You agree to authorize the Bank to keep and use the content that you publish on the Platform. The Member grants to the Platform a worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable license to publish such Content there from with links to full content in platform, let other Members print, view, access it in their web browser while accessing platform, and/or to incorporate it in other services related to the Platform and made it available to the Members in any form, media, or technology now known or later developed such as Apps, RSS feeds, etc.

In exchange, we allow you to use the Platform and receive services provided by the Platform.

Subsequently the Platform hereby sublicenses to Members and other third parties the right to print, view, and perform such Content and Site Material solely within a Web browser while accessing the Platform for their personal use.

If you think someone has stolen or misused your intellectual property on the Platform, please report to the Community Manager.

3.9 第三方服务和推广
3.9 Third party services & promotional messages

The Platform may contain links to third-party websites and provide third-party services unrelated to the Bank. You are responsible for evaluating whether you want to access or use a Third Party Site or service. You should review any applicable terms or privacy policy of a Third Party Site before using it or sharing any information with it, because you may give the third-party permission to use your information in ways we would not.

3.10 不得转售服务
3.10 No resale of service

You agree not to resell or offer any portion of the Platform, other Members' Content, the Platform material or access to the Platform without the express written consent of the Bank.

3.11 关于平台使用和存储的一般规则
3.11 General practices regarding usage and storage

We may establish general practices and limits concerning the use of the Platform. We have no responsibility or liability for the deletion or failure to store any messages or other communications or other Content maintained or transmitted by the Platform and reserves the rights to mark as "inactive" and archive or delete accounts and/or Content that are inactive for an extended period of time.

3.12 会员访问平台权限的终止
3.12 Termination of Member access

We retain the right, at its sole discretion, to determine whether or not a Member's conduct is consistent with these Terms and may terminate said Member's account and access to the Platform if that Member's conduct is found to be inconsistent with same or for any other reason.

The Bank's termination of any Member's access to the Platform may be affected whether with or without notice and, on such termination, we may immediately deactivate or delete said Member's account. Members may terminate their access to the Platform or deactivate their accounts. For termination of their access to the Platform or deactivation of their accounts under this agreement by Members or other third parties, we will not assume any responsibility. In addition, a Member's request for termination will result in deactivation but not necessarily deletion of the account. The Platform reserves the right to delete, or not delete, a Member's account at the Platform's sole discretion, as well as to delete, or not delete, Content at the Platform's sole discretion.

3.13 平台上的链接
3.13 Links

The bank, Members or Vendors may provide links to other websites on the platform. We exercise no control whatsoever over such other websites and web-based resources and is not responsible or liable for the availability nor the accuracy there of or the content, advertising, products or other materials thereon. We shall not be responsible or liable, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss incurred or suffered by any Member in connection therewith. Your access and use of linked websites, including information, material, products and services therein, is solely at your own risk.

3.14 Cookies 与日志
3.14 Cookies and logs

为确保平台正常运转, 平台将使用Cookies。您接受我们可以在您的计算机或您使用的任何其他设备上存储Cookies。
In order to ensure normal operation of the Platform, the Platform uses cookies. When you enter this website, you accept that we can place cookies on your computer or any other device that you use.

Cookies是一个小型文本文件,通常包含标识符、站点名称以及一些号码和字符。借助于 Cookies,网站能够存储您的偏好等数据,能有效提高访问统计数据的可靠性,并增加用户可使用的功能。
A cookie is a small text file, and usually contains an identifier, a site name, and some numbers and characters. With the assistance of cookies, the websites are able to store data such as your preferences, effectively improve reliability of access statistics, and increase functions available to users.

A condition for being able to use the Bank's Internet services is that you have accepted the use of session cookies. You may manage or delete cookies in line with your preferences. When you no longer use services provided by the Bank, these cookies will be deleted. If you do not want to accept cookies, you can change the security settings of your browser.

In order to improve user experience and prevent risks, you allow us to atomically collect the log information of your use of the Platform. We will not use the information for any purpose other than those stated in this agreement.

3.15 免责声明及责任限制
3.15 Disclaimer and limitations of liability

You confirm that you will assume relevant operational risks when you use the Platform. The Platform is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis and the bank assumes no responsibility for the timeliness, deletion, mis-delivery or failure to store any member communications or personalization settings. The trading decision you make is independent of the company introduction, presentation, declaration or recommendation in the platform, and the Member should judge the completeness, authenticity and accuracy of the aforementioned information. Member related transactions should be based on their own business judgment. Bank of China will not provide credit enhancement or endorsement of any aspect to the counterpart of the Mermber's business activities. If the Member suffers any loss due to the transaction with other Members through the Platform"trade club"matchmaking function or suffers any loss due business judgment based on the relevant information of the Platform "trade rescources", Bank of China shall not assume any liability for damages.

The operation of the Platform may be affected by many external factors, and we do not ensure your continuous or safe use of the Platform. In addition, regular and preventive maintenance and emergency maintenance may temporarily interrupt access or service of the Platform.

Member understands and agrees that any material and/or data downloaded or otherwise obtained through the use of the service is done at member's own discretion and risk and that each member will be solely responsible for any damage to his or her computer system or loss of data that results from the download of any such material.

We expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. Specifically, we make no warranty that:

• 平台上交易对手会员发布的商品或服务将满足您的要求;
• Goods or services published by counterparty Members on the Platform will meet your requirements;

• 任何会员访问不受干扰、及时、安全或无错误;
• any member access will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error-free;

• 任何会员从任何其他会员或任何服务商获得的任何内容、货物、产品、服务、信息或其他材料的质量将满足其期望;
• the quality of any content, goods, products, services, information or other material obtained by any member from any other member or any vendor will meet his or her expectations;

• 内容和软件中的任何错误都将得到及时纠正。
• any errors in the content and in the software will be corrected.

Any agreement or arrangement related to good or service purchase shall be directly reached by Platform Member and another Member. We shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential or exemplary damages (even if we have been notified of the possibility of such damage), including but not limited to:

• 由于货物、财产、利润、商誉、数据或其他无形损失而导致的损害赔偿;
• damages for loss of goods, property, profits, goodwill, use, data or other intangible losses;

• 任何会员使用或无法使用平台或其服务而导致的损害赔偿;
• damages resulting from any member's use or inability to use the Platform or services thereon;

• 通过平台撮合与交易对手形成的商业合同下购买或获得的任何商品或服务、收到的信息或进行的交易而导致的损害赔偿;
• Damages arising from the purchase or acquisition of any goods or services, information received or transactions made under a commercial contract formed with a counterparty Member;

• 未经授权访问或更改您的消息或数据而导致的损害赔偿;任何第三方对平台的声明或行为而导致的损害赔偿;
• Compensation for damages caused by access or modification of your message or data without authorization; compensation for damages caused by statement or behavior of any third party to the Platform.

• 以及与平台有关的任何其他事项而导致的损害赔偿。
• or damages resulting from any other matter relating to the Platform.

You agree to indemnify us and hold us harmless for all damages, losses and costs (including, but not limited to, reasonable attorneys' fees and costs) related to all third party claims, charges, and investigations, caused by (1) your failure to comply with these terms and conditions, including, without limitation, your submission of content that violates third party rights or applicable laws, (2) any content you submit to the services, and (3) any activity in which you engage on or through the Platform.

If you are dissatisfied or harmed by the Platform or anything related to the Platform, you may close your account and terminate this agreement and such termination shall be your sole and exclusive remedy.

3.16 独立性
3.16 Independence

Any content of this agreement shall not be regarded as any form of agency, partnership, joint venture, employment relationship, or franchise relationship between the Bank and any Member or other individual or entity, and this agreement do not extend any rights to any third party.

We do not and cannot control behaviors of platform Members, service providers or any related third parties. We reserve the right to report any illegal and criminal behaviors to relevant institutions.

3.17 标识
3.17 Trademark information

The Platform, the Bank and the logos included in this website are registered trademarks, service marks and products and service names; they may not be used by any third parties without the express written consent of the Bank.

3.18 知识产权
3.18 Copyrights

If you believe that your work has been copied and is accessible on the Platform in a way that constitutes copyright infringement, you may notify the Community Manager with the following information in writing:

• 知识产权所有人或授权代表知识产权所有人行事的人的电子或物理签名;
• the electronic or physical signature of the owner of the copyright or the person authorized to act on the owner's behalf;

• 您声称被侵犯的知识产权作品的标识;
• identification of the copyrighted work that you claim has been infringed;

• 您认为侵权的相关材料,并确保材料的完整及准确以使中国银行能准确找到该被控侵权材料,如完整的网址等。
• Identification of the material that is claimed to be infringing and information reasonably sufficient to permit the bank to locate the material, including the full URL.

• 您的姓名、地址、电话号码和电子邮件地址。
• your name, address, telephone number, and email address.

• 您确认被控侵权的行为未经知识产权所有人、其代理人或相关法律授权的声明;
• a statement by you that you have a good faith belief that the disputed use is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;

• 一份表明上述信息是准确的,并且您是知识产权所有人或被授权代表知识产权所有人行事的声明书。
• a statement that the above information in your notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or are authorized to act on the copyright owner's behalf.

• 如果中国银行收到此类指控,中国银行保留拒绝或删除相关内容及终止相关会员账户使用权限的权利。
• If we receive such a claim, we reserve the right to refuse or delete Content or to terminate a Member's account.

3.19 不可抗力
3.19 Force majeure

Due to reasons beyond control or unforeseeable, including but not limited to equipment, system or transmission failures, fire, flood, explosion, natural disasters, terrorist behaviors, wars (declared or undeclared), epidemic diseases, strikes, power failures, unauthorized or illegal behaviors or interventions of third parties, or requirements of competent authorities, or any international sanctions, or other reasons that cannot be reasonable expected or be avoided, we cannot comply with or perform this agreement or provide relevant services of the Platform. The performance of relevant responsibilities of the Bank under this agreement shall be exempted during occurrence of the above-mentioned force majeure events. We shall not be held liable for any loss, delay or inconvenience caused by the above-mentioned force majeure events.

3.20 适用的法律及争议解决
3.20 Applicable laws and dispute resolution

Disputes caused by this agreement or related to this agreement shall be subject to the laws of the People's Republic of China (including laws and administrative regulations).

Regardless of conflicting provisions of relevant laws, Members agree to accept the exclusive jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China.

For the Members invited by BOC’s domestic branch, any dispute arising out of or in connection with the performance of this Agreement shall be settled by the parties through friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached through negotiation, a lawsuit may be filed with the Xicheng District People's Court of Beijing, China. For the Members invited by BOC’s overseas institution, where this agreement conflicts with laws and regulations of the countries or regions where overseas institutions of the Bank locate, the Chinese law shall prevail.

3.21 平台所有权
3.21 Ownership

The Platform is owned by the Bank.

3.22 披露、报告或共享
3.22 Disclosure, reporting or sharing

Platform Members irrevocably and unconditionally authorize the Bank to disclose or report any information including user information of Members (no matter how they are obtained) to the following institutions or personnel under the following circumstances:

• 应中国政府及有关监管机构要求;
• Requirements of Chinese government and relevant regulatory authorities;

• 应中国司法机关任何诉讼或其他法律程序要求;
• Requirements of any lawsuits or other legal procedures of Chinese judicial organs;

• 出于满足本协议目的的需要,向中国银行的关联机构、附属机构或合作伙伴披露或报告;
• Disclosure or report to affiliates, subsidiaries or partners of the Bank for the purpose of meeting this agreement;

• 在必要的情况下,向中国银行的律师、审计师等专业人员披露或报告或共享信息;
• Disclosure or report or information sharing to professionals of the Bank such as lawyers and auditors if necessary;

• 会员特此明确同意此类披露、报告或共享,并在此确认无需进一步同意。
• Members hereby expressly agree to such disclosure, reporting or sharing, and hereby confirm no need of further consent.

3.23 费用
3.23 Charges

The Platform is a free service provided by the Bank to specific customers.

We shall not assume any responsibility for expenses arising from purchase agreements between Members with respect to goods or services.

3.24 如何联系我们
3.24 How to contact us

If you have questions or comments about these terms and conditions please contact us online through the Community Manager.